Individual assignment:
Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered.
About My Final Project
As mentioned in week 1 page, My Final project plan is to make a hands free toilet seat cover. Usually when using Public toilets we often doubt about the hygiene of seat cover and germs can be easily transmitted through hands.I thought of making an hands free toilet seat cover as final project in my fab academy course.

‣ What will it do?
The seat cover I designed will detect the presence of humans in their proximity, If detected the top cover is opened and stays in that position as long as a human is present there. Bottom cover can be opened by giving another trigger. Both covers will be closed after some seconds.
‣ Who’s done what beforehand?
Some inspiration and references that I think will help me to do my final project are mentioned. I saw similar products on the Amazon platform. But the objective here is to fabricate almost all parts/components in fablab. Some weekly assignments and final projects that are related to my final projects.
‣ What will you design?
I intend to design and make all parts needed for the final project in fablab. I choose weekly assignments
can be contributed to the final project.
Major parts and my plan to make it.
Main body:- A 3d design for the main body will be a small cabin which can be used as a housing for DC motors, gears, Circuit Board, shafts and other moving mechanical components.
Torque Transmission:- A system has to be designed to transfer power from DC motor for opening and closing.
Seat Cover:- Covers should be lightweight, so I thought of making composite that will fulfill my requirement. Planned to do it on wildcard week.
Board:- A microprocessor will be used to control motors and sensors. Also need to add motor drive IC chips to control DC motors specifically. Incorporating all this i need to design the circuit board.
‣ What materials and components will be used?
The main body will be made using acrylic sheets 6 mm. Worm Gear is designed to transfer force from DC motor to seat cover. Initially I thought of coupling the DC motor directly with the seat cover with the help of a shaft but I dropped this method. This can be 3d printed with PLA material.Cover is made using composite
Sl No | Components | QTY | Approx. Cost Per Item |
1 | ATmega 328 P | 1 | Rs. 200/- |
2 | Motor Drive ICs A4953 | 2 | Rs. 180/- |
3 | MOSFET IC | 1 | Rs.100/- |
4 | Power jack | 1 | Rs.40/- |
5 | DC gear Motor | 2 | Rs.400/- |
6 | Bearings 8mm | 2 | Rs.40/- |
7 | Resistor 10k ohms | 1 | Rs.2/- |
8 | Capacitors 10uf | 1 | Rs.2/- |
9 | FTDI header pin | 1 | Rs.2/- |
10 | HCSR 04 - Ultrasonic Sensor | 1 | Rs.115/- |
11 | PIR Sensor | 1 | Rs.120/- |
12 | Potentiometer 10 K ohms | 2 | Rs.60/- |
‣ How much will they cost?
‣ What parts and systems will be made?
I intend to make almost all parts and systems
‣ What processes will be used?
‣ What Questions Need To Be Answered ?
When will the seat open?
The PIR sensor detects the presence of human. The HCSR 04 ultrasonic sensor checks the proximity of human by measuring the obstacle distance. If the hand is held close over the ultrasonic sensor, the bottom(seat) cover opens.
When will the seat close?
Ultrasonic sensor continuously monitor the distance of the obstacle(human) if there is no obstacle within in certain range for certain period of time the both seats will be closed
‣ How will it be evaluated?
Integrating the Atmega 328 p, sensors and DC motors.
Controlling the DC motors for opening and closing of seat covers